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Video: McDonald’s touts bike-friendly burger tote

When McDonald's hops on the bike bandwagon, you can't help but feel like you've seen it all.


When McDonald’s hops on the bike bandwagon, you can’t help but feel like you’ve seen it all.

That’s certainly what this video seems to show. It’s the product of McDonald’s teaming up with an advertising group called Tribal, and it’s no doubt the result of a strategic effort by the fast food giant to re-brand itself in pro-sustainability ways. The short video, just under two minutes long, shows cyclists riding everything from folding bikes to fixies pulling up to a McDonald’s drive-through window, collecting their orders.

“The world is moving toward more sustainable energy,” the video says. “People cherish and choose a more healthy lifestyle.”

The McDonald's option for cyclists, called the McBike, looks like this.
The McDonald’s option for cyclists, called the McBike, looks like this.

It’s how they pick up that healthy, healthy McDonald’s that appears to be the brainchild of the company’s brainstorming. Cyclists are handed a collapsible cardboard container full of grub, with a ring from which to hang a soft drink, interior pockets for holding burgers, and everything else needed to ensure that a wholesome day of two-wheeling exercise can still include Big Macs. The container is also designed to be suspended from handlebars, apparently.

The video was shot over a single day in Copenhagen, Denmark and Medellin, Colombia, but McDonald’s and Tribal have plans to try it again in other places like Amsterdam and Tokyo. But as far as ways to carry a food on a bike are concerned, it’s hard — if inadvisable unless you’re a pro — to beat this.