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Check out these stickers for cars parked in bike lanes

The 'You park like a c***' decals are selling out

Photo by: YPLAC

Looking for the perfect stocking sticker for your favourite angry cyclist? Well look no further! A British company has made some hilarious stickers for putting on cars when they do a terrible job parking. Imagine plopping these suckers on all those vehicles parked in bike lanes. It might send a message that drivers would definitely understand.

Why are so many car drivers using dedicated bike tracks?

The company proudly says they offer everything for the aggrieved driver, biker, pedestrian, pushchair-pusher and wheelchair/mobility scooter user.

“Imagine the fun you’ll have, and how much you can educate (exact revenge on) c***-parkers that interfere with your life.”

Of course, in much more polite Canada this word may be a bit too strong for our sensibilities, but I’m sure someone out there can think of something suitable à la Letterkenny.

“You park like a nerd”
“You park like a pylon”
“You park like a duster”
“You park like schmelt”

In the meantime, cyclists in the U.K. are firing back at crappy drivers with these bad boys, and if you’re so inclined, you can try and order some stickers, bags, and more here.