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The seat angle adjuster you didn’t know you needed

"That thing is pretty kick ass," says Danny MacAskill of the Whistler-based invention

For anyone who’s ever struggled through a climb or felt the dreaded numbness on a steep ascent, the SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO is more than a gadget—it’s a revelation. Remember when you thought dropper posts were an extravagance? But now you can’t imagine living without one? According to Aenomoly Constructs owner Noel Dolotallas, this is exactly the same (he’s obviously biased but…); “Once you try it, it’s an absolute epiphany,” he says.

A new standard in seat adjustability

The SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO is not a seat post or a clamp—it’s something entirely unique: a seat angle adjuster. With just a click, riders can tilt their seat to better align with steep climbs or fast descents, easing pressure and improving control. “Mountains are always on an incline or decline,” Noel explains. “Keeping your seat parallel to the ground just doesn’t work when the pitch changes. By tilting the seat, it stays flat relative to your body.”

While the original model offered three positions, the 2.0 EVO lets users choose between two or three, catering to different preferences.

Little black books

When Noel Dolotallas talks about the SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO, it’s easy to get caught up in his enthusiasm. His words carry the weight of years spent navigating the North Shore’s steep, challenging trails and an almost obsessive desire to solve the discomfort so many riders endure. “We’re conditioned to accept that climbing sucks,” Noel says, “but why should it?”

The SwitchGrade EVO isn’t just a new piece of bike gear—it’s an idea born decades ago and polished over years of prototyping sand research. Noel’s first sketches date back to the late ’90s. Back then, there were no dropper posts and climbing with a seat angled for descents was, in his words, “a horrible, horrible experience.”

His early concept—a device to adjust seat angles on the fly—sat dormant in a black book for years. “I have a ton of crazy ideas,” he says with a laugh. “Anytime I’m inconvenienced, I jot them down. If they still hold merit years later, I’ll do something about it.” In 2017, the concept’s time had finally come. Noel hired an engineer, began market research, and committed to bringing the SwitchGrade to life.

Made in Canada, loved worldwide

Every SwitchGrade is machined in Whistler, British Columbia, by North Shore Billet, a company Noel speaks of with admiration. Final assembly and shipping are done by Noel, his wife and even their kids, who help pack boxes—a true family operation. Despite their small size, the company has shipped SwitchGrades to over 42 countries, with a strong following among ebikers in Europe.

“I never expected it to resonate so much with e-bike riders,” Noel admits. “But it makes sense—they’re climbing steeper grades where the benefits of the SwitchGrade really shine.”

Riding into the future

The SwitchGrade EVO has found fans among pro riders like Brett Tippie, Brett Rheeder and Hannah Bergemann. But Noel isn’t stopping there. “We’re laser-focused on radical ideas,” he says. “We’re not interested in making ‘just another product.’ We want to solve real problems for riders.”