A motorist drove right over a giant barrier and Cycling Twitter ™ is having a field day
Many are making comparisons to when a driver hits a cyclist
Photo by: Jill BennettAn SUV somehow drove right over a barrier in Vancouver and riders are using the same twisted logic drivers make when they hit a cyclist. On Thursday, radio host Jill Bennett posted a photo of the vehicle stuck on the yellow barrier. “Hey city of Vancouver, this is second incident I’ve seen caused by these useless ‘slow street’ barricades installed last month. They don’t slow down traffic; they cause crashes and traffic chaos.”
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As you can imagine, the replies were great.
“If only the barrier had some kind of reflective bright clothing and a helmet,” Marcel Steeman posted.
Steeman was referring to the victim shaming that often occurs when vulnerable road users are hit.
Robert Z joked about the trope that many motorists use when cities up their infrastructure.
“Welcome to The War On Cars! Concrete curb!”
Others mentioned that the car was dark-coloured–repeating the often cited reason cyclists “get hit.” “Car is dark colour, there’s your problem,” Warren Huska tweeted.
Karen Geier was a little more blunt about the ridiculous situation. “Learn how to drive.”
Mark Bohaichuk summed it up best.
“People cause crashes and traffic chaos, not things. I can’t believe that needs to be said.”