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Are you an annoying Strava user?

It's time to find out if you're an athlete everyone wants to follow or if you're the reason there's a mute button

Are you an annoying Strava user? Photo by: Getty Images

Strava is a great app, and it can be a fun way to connect with friends and other athletes. But just like any form of social media, it has its share of annoying users. Odds are, you follow some people like this who are, simply put, a lot to handle. If you’re thinking, “No, I don’t follow anyone like that,” then bad news: you might be the annoying Strava user in your friend group. Want to find out? Here are a few habits sure to irritate your followers.

You only post great workouts

We all know that athlete who only ever posts fast and impressive workouts on Strava. If you check their profile, you won’t find a single easy Zone 2 ride. Posting great workouts is fine, but seeing only those sessions can be frustrating. We all have bad days, and hiding them makes it seem like you’re trying too hard. No one will judge you for a slower-than-usual training session.

You overdo it with the posting

On the other end of the spectrum, some users post way too much. Are you logging a 0.4-km walk to the grocery store or a 2-km ride to test new cleats? Listen, that’s overkill. Tracking your regular rides is enough—leave the micro-activities off your feed.

You cheat

It’s easy to spot if someone’s cheating on Strava. Some users stop their head units multiple times during a tough ride to catch their breath, not realizing it’s visible in their stats. Check the “Moving Time” and “Elapsed Time” sections of a workout on desktop.

Good God no: Strava is down

If the elapsed time is much longer than the moving time, they paused the workout. Next time you see a suspiciously fast time, dig a little deeper—but remember, this feature isn’t visible in the app.

Overloading excuses in your posts

Things happen at races or group rides—flats, crashes, bad weather. It’s fine to mention why you DNF’d after 1 km, but don’t turn every post into a list of excuses. Being your own PR agent gets old fast.