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Good God no: Strava is down

People can't upload their rides onto Strava at all...and it's the weekend, how terrible

Hold your loved ones tight, gang. Strava is down. You can’t upload your ride. And on a weekend? Double whammy.

That longass, hard AF group ride you did today and got 5th on a KOM? Nope.

That epic 300 km gravel ride you went on? Negator.

Don’t even ask about the quick little rip on the paddle board you went on. Because you didn’t, even if you did.

This has happened before. On the fateful afternoon of August 14, it all began. You opened Strava to check on everyone’s updates—there was nothing new. Then you turned to Strava’s social media. A post on X stated that the platform “was currently experiencing degraded performance.” No one was quite sure what that meant, but we all understood it wasn’t good.

But now, it’s different. It happened again.

Did Pogi even win the Giro dell’Emilia? Who knows. Those photos could be AI, at this point.

Nothing you did happened. You do not exist.

I’m sorry. I am so sorry.