I want to try a criterium: What do I need to know?
If you want to try some exciting, and fast racing this summer, here's what you need to know

Races have begun across Canada, and many criteriums are popping up. Many provinces also have races during the evening, such as les Mardis cyclistes de Lachine in Montreal, the Midweek Criterium in Toronto, or the The World Tuesday Night Championships in Vancouver.
If you are considering a crit, maybe it’s been a while since you’ve done one, here are ideas from Coach Peter Glassford from the Consummate Athlete on how to make the most of your experience.
1. Get comfortable in a group
The pack skills you learn in a fast group ride are a big part of criterium racing, Glassford says. If you are new to cycling this can be riding with a friend and working on rotating and riding beside, behind, and in front. As your ability increases go to larger and faster group rides.
2. Sprint training
3. Sprint repeats
You can also try micro-intervals or repeated sprints (for example, 2-3 x 10 minutes done as 30 second hard followed by 30seconds easy. ) Glassford says that using some form of repeated effort is likely smart if not currently crit racing or regularly group riding. “I have always liked 30/30 (30 seconds hard and 30 seconds easy) but many coaches like 20/10 or other variations,” he says.. You can also design a criterium course that naturally requires you to accelerate / corner (coast) and ride it fast for a set period of time (for example 2-3 x 10 minutes on the course) which ties cornering practice and aerodynamics into the specific event terrain and intensity.
4. Cornering
Specific work on cornering may be needed if you are getting dropped or allowing gaps to open. This is hard to practice on your own but setting up higher speed corners or a criterium course as previously mentioned. Specific skills coaching on cornering may also be warranted.
5. Spin up workouts
Criteriums tend to involve high cadences as you accelerate and adjust your positioning in the pack. Using cadence to accelerate is something that many people struggle with, Glassford says, so try doing 6-10 x 30 seconds spin ups done as 10 seconds fast, 10 seconds faster, 10 seconds fastest. Spin ups are great drills to learn how cadence interacts with speed and power/effort. In the final 10 seconds you should be at high effort and very high cadence. These could be a warmup for the criterium race/micro-intervals or for the group ride day.