For those who have been following along on our summer training program for a 60 or 100 km MS Bike later this year, here’s the final month of training. Last month we were trying to build your training levels, now we’re going to do a final bout of training before tapering into your ride over the last week.
Suggested training week
We still have a couple of days off in the program – feel free to put in some active rest (walk, easy
bike, other activity) for one of those days, but make sure you have at least one full day off every
week to ensure you’re getting some rest and letting your body recover.
Monday: day off
Tuesday: Easy Ride 1
Wednesday: rider’s choice/ strength work
Thursday: Ride: Intervals/ Hills/ Steady state
Friday: day off
Saturday: Easy Ride 3
Sunday: long ride
Weekly schedule
The most important component to a successful training plan is consistency. Three workouts a week for 12 weeks will take you much further than the occasional five-workout week followed by weeks with one or two efforts. We’re keeping the extra ride in the program. If that’s a stretch for your busy schedule, skip one of the easy rides.
Easy Ride
These rides should continue to be about half to three-quarters the distance of your long ride each week. Optimally, if you have time, you’ll go two-thirds to three-quarters the distance (30 to 35 km for the 50 km goal, 60 to 75 km for the 100 km rides).
Long Ride
The long ride remains an important part of your plan, with our final goal coming this month to do your virtual MS Bike, go the distance and make a difference. The long rides continue to be done at a 60 to 80 per cent intensity level – make sure you can keep up a conversation while you’re riding! It’s OK to push a bit harder on climbs, but make sure the rest of the rides feel pretty easy. What becomes really important this week is to ensure that you are practicing your nutrition and hydration plan during these longer rides.