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Watch: Jake Wells takes on the Dirty Kanza XL, a 350 mile self-supported race

'Unknown Country' explores the cyclist's motivations in pushing himself to his physical limits

The film Unknown Country explores Jake Wells’ journey to race the 2019 Dirty Kanza XL, a 350 mile self-supported bike race. Wells is a three time American national single speed cyclocross champion, and his experience racing at a high level has imbued him with a lot of bike wisdom and life philosophy.

Starting 72 days before Dirty Kanza XL, the film delves into Well’s motivation for participating in the event, which he calls “absurd”. He prepares for the race by testing his bike on the White Rim trail in Moab and does testing at the University of Kentucky to figure out his nutrition plan. The majority of the 30 minute film follows him pushing his physical limits to race the Dirty Kanza XL, but also goes into the details of his cyclocross career, specifically looking at the 2018 national championships.

Throughout the race Wells’ family follows him, cheering and encouraging him at every opportunity. “For me adding miles and doing these big, epic events is such a strong way to connect to life, to connect to humanity,” says Wells. “It teaches you about yourself and how to be better towards everyone around you.”