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Video: A ride with Cipollini

CCM's day with the former world champion in southern Ontario

When Mario Cipollini enters a room, or an outdoor tent for that matter, it’s as if a film star has arrived. Before Sunday’s ride near Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., the rain came down and roughly fifty cyclists waited for the weather to clear over shots of espresso. Cipo walked up to the tent as someone held an umbrella over him. Heads definitely turned.

With the ride delayed, I had a chance to sit and chat for a bit with the 2002 world champion. My knowledge of the Italian language is limited to bike and car brands and types of pasta. Cipollini has some English that he uses quite well. And yes, he is a perpetual flirt: he wanted to include one of servers working at the Jackson-Triggs winery in our video interview.

We spoke about the rain and the ride we’d be doing. I asked how long we’d ride for. Cipollini said he’d follow me. It seemed I’d be his lead-out man. But then the cyclist got a bit more philosophical. Despite many years of racing and many victories, those memories don’t stay with him as well as those of his family.

The assembled riders had come from all over southern Ontario, some from Brantford, Aurora and even Collingwood. Krys Hines from the Domestique Café kept everyone caffeinated. Hines even got Cipo to autograph a photo of himself. The former sprinter posed with a young rider, who would later get to ride right beside the Lion King.

The only things that came close to garnering the same amount of attention as Cipollini were things that share his name: his bikes. A few RB1000s, an RB800 and a Lógos were on hand. The carbon-fibre frames are made in Italy under Cipollini’s guidance. His weapon of choice was the RB1000. During the ride, he circulated among the group. He even helped to block traffic as the group made a left-hand turn. Upon the group’s return to the winery, there was a sprint for the entrance. I was too far back to see the action, but I hear Cipollini was able to hold his own.