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Are tax incentives for bike buyers a good thing?

Many cities are floating the idea

Are tax incentives for bike buyers a good thing?

In 2021, Toronto Councillor Mike Layton put forth a motion to amend the city’s latest bike plan to include tax incentives for both traditional and e-bikes. Layton is a cyclist himself and has been involved with much of the increase in bike infrastructure in Toronto.  The amendment is to “add financial incentives for purchasing all bikes, e-bikes and other non-carbon vehicles that are approved for use on City of Toronto road ways and cycling infrastructure.”

The bike boom

2020 and 2021 saw a massive uptick in cycling, and has resulted in many more people using their bike as primary transportation across Canada. There’s also been a surge of e-bikes as a method of transportation or for delivery services. Cities across Canada have begun pilot projects with delivery services like FedEx, grocery or retail stores.

Ebikes are now exempt from PST in B.C.

The value of bikes to the economy

Bicycles are a much more environmentally friendly resource than cars, so it makes sense that a payment or tax might make sense as both a reward for those who choose to ride, instead of drive. Additionally, with traffic levels returning to pre-pandemic levels, there is an urgent need to reduce car traffic in urban centres. It has been proven that bikes take up far less room than cars in cities, and more people using their bike as opposed to a car would alleviate much of the gridlock.

Breaks for bikes

In many places, there are already tax incentives or credits either in place, or being floated for electric cars. Many cyclists wonder why the same shouldn’t apply not just e-bikes, but traditional rides as well.

The argument to provide incentives to switch to sustainable transportation for traditional bicycles e-bikes would also reduce financial burden for individuals or families by eliminating their need for a costly vehicle that can cost thousands of dollars a year in gasoline and upkeep.

Value for the dollar

The average cost to own a car is estimated to be up to $13,000 per year. For example, according to the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), a 2017 Honda Civic can cost more than $8,000 to operate annually when driven all year in Ontario.

A tax incentive could certainly be a good stimulus for working families to switch to using their bikes as their primary means of transportation, or at the very least, use their bicycles more for errands or commuting.