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Wout van Aert and Mathieu van der Poel are robots and this is all a simulation

Is this the Matrix

Photo by: @robynjournalist

Although robots don’t get a sore back and suspend their ‘cross season early, that could be a clever ploy by whatever Overlords who are pulling the strings to distract us from the truth.

The Belgian Wout van Aert and Mathieu van der Poel are an unstoppable force in whatever discipline they pick. If they decided (and I’m sure they will some day) to do the 4 KM pursuit, they’d win that too. Hell, they could jump into a round of artistic cycling at the UCI Indoor Cycling World Championships and would probably snag a few more rainbow jerseys.

Van Aert wins highly anticipated clash with van der Poel and Pidcock at Dendermonde World Cup

The last few rounds of the ‘cross World Cup have shown that all the riders who were winning in the absence of van Aert and MvdP are not in the same league as the Belgian and the Dutchman.

And the only logical reason can be they are robots. They finally resumed their rivalry on Sunday in Dendermonde, Belgium.

Watch the clip below of them mounting and dismounting and try and argue that they don’t have the exact same OS running.

There is no spoon.