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Cyclist braves winter trip from Vancouver to the Arctic Ocean and back


There are many types of challenging and ultra-challenging self-supported bicycle tours one can make; the Alaska to Tierra del Fuego route is a popular one. But Vancouver’s Brek Broughton has upped the ante. Over two weeks ago he left Vancouver with the goal of riding to Tuktoyaktuk, NWT and back in the middle of winter.

Broughton, who has ridden across Canada, seeks to demonstrate what is possible on a bicycle. His three month journey will be arduous and cold, with difficult road conditions and a tricky balance between overheating and freezing. Riding a Surly Big Dummy, an elongated cargo bike, and rolling Schwalbe studded tires, Broughton’s goal is to make 100 kilometres a day.

The intrepid cyclist has equipped himself with a dynamo hub to power his essential lighting system, thick Baffin boots, a -40 rated sleeping bag and head-to-toe merino wool. Early in his journey he learned to avoid a frostbitten face by placing a strip of duct tape across his cheeks and nose.

You can follow this hardcore adventure here.

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