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Italian cycling federation takes strict measures with dopers

Pettachi, Basso and Di Luca among those banned

In a move that sends a very strong message, the Italian Cycling Federation has banned any of its riders with doping in their pasts from contesting the Italian championships and from representing their country at the World Championships. The rule applies to Ivan Basso, Danilo Di Luca, Stefano Garzelli, Michele Scarponi and Alessandro Pettachi, amongst others. These rider can neither race next week in Aci Catana, Sicily for the tri-colour jersey nor vie for the rainbow jersey at Copenhagen in late September.

Italian national team manager Paolo Bettini calls the measure, “a very hard and restrictive clampdown,” but says, “I accept the regulation”.

On Friday, the International Cycling Union (UCI) announced that riders with doping convictions would be forbidden from future team management positions.

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