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Watch: Rapha’s ‘Outskirts: Route 66’ documents the Thereabouts crew’s ride on iconic American road

Riding bikes on one of America's most famous roads

Rapha has released the first of the three-part Outskirts series which documents adventures on some of the world’s most famous roads. Outskirts: Route 66 was created in partnership with Thereabouts and Angus Morton who’s destination films with his brother Lachlan have garnered acclaim in the cycling community.

“The first film is Route 66 in the U.S., and it’s the best time for it. Every day, broadcast around the world is this image of a very divided America, a split society, this angry picture of a community that’s changing. But what we’ve experienced is so far from it…people have been so welcoming, so friendly, so helpful and that’s because of how we’re taking this journey,” Morton said about the film. “On this fundamental level, they’ve all been so open and so welcoming and I think it’s because the bike is this disarming tool, this incredible way to see a road, this thing that opens people up.”

Thereabouts Route 66 Outskirts

Route 66 is one of the U.S.’s most famous roads running from Chicago to Los Angeles. The full-length film documents the ride along this famous road. Morton and a group of compelling cycling personalities explore the communities and meet the people along the road.