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This video of cyclists riding a Dutch roundabout might be enough to hypnotize you

Round and round and round it goes, and where it stops, nobody knows -- mostly because the parade of cars and bikes in this video is so tight, so seamless, that it's hard to tell to begin with.


Dutch cycle lanes around a roundabout

The Dutch, the masters of the cycle lane or the masters of following the rules of the road?-The LA Teamhttp://landarchs.com/

Posted by Landscape Architects Network on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

‘Round and ’round and ’round it goes, and where it stops, nobody knows — mostly because the parade of cars and bikes in this video is so tight, so seamless, that it’s hard to tell where it starts.

Posted to Facebook by Landscapes Architects Network a couple of years ago, this video of a shared roundabout in the Netherlands never gets old in terms of demonstrating how swift and efficient a well-designed bike network can be. The Dutch, too, would know. Famously, the number of bikes in the country outstrips even the national population, meaning that cycling might as well be a national pastime.

Here, what you see isn’t a roundabaout built specifically for bikes. It’s part of a shared network of parallel roadways and bike lanes, something for which the Netherlands are famous, and the surgical precision of its movement — cars stop on a dime for cyclists; cyclists, meanwhile, seem to have a veritable sixth sense for motorists — is testament to a simple truth about a society built for both: cars and bikes can indeed coexist, presuming there’s the will to build what they need.

Click the link above to see what we mean.