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Tips to get better on longer climbs

A guide to help you tackle those lengthier lumps

Tips to to get better on longer climbs

Going uphill is a big part of cycling, and if you want to be a better rider, you need to be a better climber, too. Here’s some tips on how to feel better when the road heads up.


The obvious answer is to work on your fitness. Incorporate long rides and hill repeats into your training regimen to build endurance and leg strength. Focus on both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning to improve your overall climbing ability.

Improve your climbing with long hill repeats

Off-bike exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg presses can strengthen your muscles, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, essential for powering up hills.

When you hit the hill


Aim for a steady cadence (around 70-90 RPM) to conserve energy and reduce fatigue. Use lower gears to maintain a comfortable cadence rather than pushing a big gear that could lead to early exhaustion.



Start the climb at a sustainable pace. Avoid going into the red too early; instead, find a rhythm that allows you to maintain effort throughout the climb.

Proper positioning

Seated vs. standing

Use a combination of seated and standing riding to vary muscle use and relieve pressure on certain muscle groups. Seated climbing can be more efficient for maintaining traction and conserving energy over long climbs.


Keep your upper body relaxed and maintain a stable core. Shift your weight slightly forward on steeper gradients to maintain traction and control.

How to use your indoor trainer to make you a better climber

Mental strategies

Focus on breathing

Deep, controlled breathing helps oxygenate your muscles and manage fatigue.

Break it down

Mentally break the climb into smaller segments or landmarks to stay motivated and track progress.

Positive reinforcement

Use positive self-talk and visualization to stay confident and focused on your goal.

Nutrition and hydration


Ensure you’re well-fueled before the climb with carbohydrates and adequately hydrated.


Consume small amounts of food and water to maintain energy levels and prevent dehydration. Although drinking is easy to do up a hill, eating isn’t always optimal. Gels are much easier to get down than solid foods.

Practise, practise, practise

Climbing efficiently improves with practice and experience. The more climbs you tackle, the better you’ll understand your body’s capabilities and limitations.