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What cycling can learn from the arts

An uncompromising singer/songwriter is a model for riders

My wife is an actor. Since meeting her, I have noticed that there are many similarities between the arts and sport. Given these similarities, I was struck by an interview I heard on the radio this morning with Regina Spektor, a wonderful singer/songwriter.

The interview ranged across several topics, one of which was the development of her career. She told the story of how she made little to no money when she started, and wondered if making a living was even possible. (The same holds for most cyclists pursuing a professional career, and many professionals.) Even in this state of poverty, she quit her jobs and moved back in with her parents so that she could focus on her music. Then, her career blossomed and she started meeting with members of the music industry. Her big concern was compromising her musical integrity, avoiding contracts and making money.

On these points, she spoke eloquently. She also spoke well about how much she loved her music, how, when she is writing and performing, she is incredibly happy. Her passion made me cry as it reminded me of how cycling can make me feel. Her main point was how she couldn’t imagine compromising her art, making music that was generic or engineered in a way to sell records.

I thought to myself: she couldn’t imagine herself doping either. She loves her music so much that it means more to her than making money. That is how cycling should be looked upon. Being able to race professionally is an incredible gift, something most of the population can’t even imagine doing. It is something special and magical that should be protected and cherished.

Yes, perhaps that is an idealistic view of professional sports. But I can tell you that most of those who decide not to dope, and suffer added hardship as a consequence, probably view the sport in that way. We should respect them for their passion and commitment, their integrity and sportsmanship. They stand as the mythical Grecian example of the dedicated, sacrificing athlete whom we all look up to.

I wished all the dopers felt the same passion for cycling as Regina Spektor does for her music. Their actions and selfishness have sullied a beautiful sport, and that makes me cry.