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Parcours Institute Inc. introduces pro training certification with individual modules

"Many young athletes," managing director Zach Bell explained, "have other demands on their time and finances and we want these programs to be just as available to them."


Parcours Institute Inc. is announcing a Professional Rider Certificate, available in individual modules.

Describing the program offerings, Parcours Institute managing director Zach Bell said, “We initially launched the program as one complete package because we wanted people to understand that all the content was linked and part of one certification. However, we always knew that this would not be the only way we would offer the content. This offering model is part of that larger plan to make this content as accessible as possible.”

“Many young athletes,” Bell explained, “have other demands on their time and finances and we want these programs to be just as available to them.”

The program’s training modules, Parcours Institute said, are divided into 10-day camps, each specific to a certain topic as part of the five-week intensive training. In each of those camps, stage one starts with public image management and nurturing relationships with sponsors, as well as base training and bike domestique skills. Stage two has a focus on nutrition, intensity training and technical racing skills, while stage three, finally, focuses on race preparation and the business of cycling. At this final stage, athletes learn how to get the most out of their training, and how to land a good contract on the basis of those training results.

“Ideally,” Bell continued, “an athlete would still take all these pieces at the same time, but we understand that young athletes are not all working with the ideal situation. That doesn’t mean tey should not have the same tools availabl to get to the next level.”

Individual training at each stage costs $2000 USD, including housing, ride and post-ride support, as well as all instructional materials. Applications can be submitted online by visiting parcoursinstitute.org/apply.