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8 Valentine’s day activities for cyclists

Plan a romantic bike-themed day with your significant other

Photo by: Unsplash/Polina Rytova

This Sunday is Valentine’s day. Apart from watching the final stage of Tour de La Provence (which airs from 7:25 a.m. to 10:25 a.m. EST) do you have any romantic plans? The idea of this holiday is to spend time doing something you both enjoy together, so if you both enjoy cycling these activities will appeal to you.

Note: You don’t have to be in a relationship to take some time to appreciate yourself on Valentine’s day. Most of these activities can be done solo or with someone you care about (who also cares about cycling).

1. Go for a ride together

Ok, this one is obvious, but in Canada in February it’s not always that straightforward. If you’re lucky enough to have two trainers, a romantic (Zwift) ride through the French countryside is also a nice way to spend some relaxing time time together. Or you could just attack each other up Alpe du Zwift—no judgement either way.

2. Plan a bikepacking trip or long ride

If you’re the type of people that love planning a getaway, why not spend an evening looking forward to your next big adventure together. Explore some dream locations (for when travel is back on) or look into local routes you could take on this summer.

RELATED: 8 Apps for planning your cycling adventure

3. Do some online shopping

You could buy each other chocolates and flowers, or, you could spend that money on the things your really want: Bike stuff.

A bouquet of gels? A spare derailleur hanger? Matching kit perhaps? The silly (yet useful) options are endless—don’t forget to check out your local bike shop’s e-commerce page.

4. Massages

A thorough leg and glute massage is the way to any cyclist’s heart.

5. Watch a cycling movie

Nothing more romantic than cuddling up on the couch to watch cyclists push themselves to their absolute physical limit, then talk about it nonchalantly to an interviewer. Check out this list of some of the cycling films streaming in Canada right now.

6. Support your local cafe

It might be a bit too cold to kick off Valentine’s day with a cafe ride, but, if you can, try and find a way to hit up your favourite local cafe stop. They deal with your click-y shoes and sweaty vibe in the summer, the least you can do is support them in the winter.

7. Make a big meal

You need the food for fuel and/or recovery, so indulge a bit in a big lunch or dinner. Monday is a holiday for a lot of Canada—if you’re planning a big ride you’ll definitely need the food for energy. If you’re not planning a big ride you should probably have a big nutritious meal anyways, you’re probably in a calorie deficit.

8. Take some time off the bike

With cycling, work and other responsibilities, quality time can get pushed to the side. If one, or both of you are following a strict training regimen, a romantic gesture could be to take the day off of riding and plan some one-on-one time together. Your body will thank you for the recovery, and your relationship will be stronger for it.