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It seems Lachlan Morton can’t stop going around France

Check out his work of art on Strava

Lachlan Morton Alt Tour

This past summer Lachlan Morton rode in what he dubbed, the “Alt Tour de France.” He rode the same course that all the other pros did, plus transfers. And he did it totally unassisted.

Morton rode every stage and every transfer of the 2021 Tour. The EF Education Nippo ride rode 5,550 km from Brest to Paris with over 65,000 m of climbing and just 23 days to cover the distance. He rode it without any teammates to shelter behind, no mechanics and no rest days. Every night he’d set up camp and cook for himself.

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With all the riding, he started experiencing knee pain, so he modified his sandals and used those in lieu of cycling shoes.

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Although it looked like an exhausting experience, it seems Morton can’t get enough of France. If you look at his Strava on Monday, he went on a ride in Boulder that is an exact replica of the shape of France.

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