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Top stories social media loved from 2017

Popular headlines from 2017 that caught readers attention

Many cyclists turn to social media to share, comment on and interact with stories that interest them. Here are the Canadian Cycling Magazine headlines that may have not defined the year’s news cycle but certainly caught people’s attention generating a lot of buzz of social media.

Why you should never date a cyclist

never date a cyclist

While most individuals who ride bikes are great people, there are some reasons why you should never date a cyclist.

Bike mechanic floors thief trying to steal his bike

bike mechanic

The action was all caught on a security camera in front of a bike shop. The spectacular take-down of the would-be thief is worth revisiting.

The top 10 climbs in Canada for road cyclists

Climbs in Canada
The biggest and most iconic leg-straining, lung-busting roads in the country for you to ‘enjoy’.

Wheelie-popping Toronto rider charged

While the stunt caught on camera was pretty cool, the cyclist faced charges for careless driving under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act.

Drivers save cyclist from possible grizzly bear attack on B.C. Highway

Photo: Cassie Beyer

A grizzly bear in pursuit of a cyclist was stopped by two pickup drivers. The close-call was caught in photos by a passenger in a passing car.

The lies cyclists tell

lies cyclists tell

Cyclists are perfectly nice people, but occasionally the truth is stretched when it comes to the activity we so dearly love. The lies are not malicious and are often unintentional, but nevertheless, fibs are still fibs. Here we looked at the lies cyclists tell.

The bike is helping Conor McGregor prepare for Floyd Mayweather fight

Conor McGregor

The big fight was one of the news making stories of the year with a lot of hype. Part of Conor McGregor’s preparation for the huge pay-per-view TV event was by cycling.

Why cyclists make great employees

The traits and habits that make cyclists great contributors in the office. If one candidate for a position mentions they are a cyclist, they might just be right for the job. These are some of the reasons cyclists make good employees.

New documentary celebrates middle aged men in Lycra

mamil documentary

A new film released this year explored the phenomenon of the middle-aged men in lycra who have taken up cycling as a lifestyle and hobby.

10 of the most popular Strava segments across Canada

 Strava has collected a lot of data since it was launched in 2009. These are some of the most popular segments across Canada.